Social Media & Travel - TAC 13
In this Travelers Art Coffee we answer an email about Social Media and the impacts on our lives and the places we love and cherish. How can we connect and share without ruining the very place we love so much? We will dive deep into what social media does and a way out from the time suck and damage that this social economy does to our travel experiences.
Intro: :13
Email: 4:24
Email Answer: 6:35
Closing Comments: 15:03
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
Music: Extreme Way, Moby
Cal Newport - TED Talk
Interview on Rich Roll Podcast
Triston Harris - Joe Rogan - Interview - Social Dilemma
Johann Hari - TED Talk
Dr Ramani the leading expert on Narcissism

Listening - Lessons in the van
It’s funny to consider that something as seemingly passive as registering sounds in sequence might require work, but it does. When we truly engage other people, we begin the process of connection-based discourse that could become the gateway to incredible opportunities and experiences that will ultimately transcend any guidebook or travel blog.
In this travel podcast we explore the experience of remote travel in central Baja Mexico while traveling in a 1978 VW camper van.
Listening is the soil by which the seed of friendship is sown.

Hello, I am back. It’s been a long time since I posted a travel podcast. Life has a way at times to steal us from our passions, dreams and purpose. Please forgive my absence. This podcast is recorded on the road, from a location that prior to me going, I had no ideas even existed. I am glad you are joining me for this short “Dispatch”.
Intro: :15
A Reading: 2:20
Perspectives: 6:08
Disconnection: 7:56
Closing Comments: 11:31
Links: Carl Sagan
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast
Posh Hotels - TAC-12
Can you stay in a nice posh hotel and still have an authentic travel experience? In this travel podcast we sit back with a good cup of coffee and talk about the problems and answers to staying in nice hotels while traveling and share some insights and perspectives on travel accommodations.
I wanted to thank everyone for listening and subscribing to the podcast, you don’t have to listen, but you do, and I thank you.
Email: 37
Answer: 1:07
Closing Comments: 6:35
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Buckwheat Zydeco, Jambalaya French
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast
Travel Photography TAC-11
Travel and photography, they almost go hand in hand, for some of us it's the reason we travel. In this travel podcast we answer an email on travel photography. We cover topics on gear, when to photograph, what to photograph, how to photograph, philosophy of photography, black and white or color and a few tips and tricks. Photography is an art form that commands as little and as much of us as we are willing to share and dedicate to the craft.
Intro: :39
Email: 2:31
Answer: 3:10
Closing Comments: 23:50
Links: Don MIrra Reportage
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Duran Duran Girls on Film
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Sitting Still
In a world that keeps moving faster and faster we must find an antidote to the loss of our attention. In this travel podcast we come to grips with the effects of over planning a travel project. Even the seasoned travel can succumb to the fear of missing out and trying to cram to much into to little. Its a humbling story but a valuable one, be them the budding novice or seasoned veteran.
Secret Spots: :28
Intro: 3:52
Story: 5:41
Closing Comments: 12:30
Links: Simone Weil
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

In a world fuel by instant hits of dopamine rewarded distractions, hijacking our lives, we have lost the ability to truly see, to feel, to remember. In this travel podcast we move through time, weaving events and experiences into a complex paradigm, transforming our world view and how to view the world. Warning this podcast might change the way you see the world as you travel and when you are back home.
Intro: :39
Story: 5:05
A New Moment: 17:43
Closing Comments: 20:20
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Cymande - Dove
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast
Marriage, Kids and Travel TAC-10
You have kids, a demanding career and want to travel. Is it possible to have a deeper authentic experience with just two weeks off? In this travel podcast we address the demands of domestic life and how to get the most out of your travel experience when you have limited time and a demanding life. It comes down to our approach and writing few things down.
Intro: 1:08
Email: 5:11
Meditation: 17:17
Closing: 19:25
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

It Starts With Hello
We have a great update on whats going on with the Youtube Channel which many will be happy to hear. Have you ever found yourself stressed and in some cases scared, but you take a moment to think, smile and handle it? In this travel podcast we take a journey that will be boarding on surreal for many listeners. This was a wonderful story to relive and tell. I know you are going to like it.
YouTube Update: 2:04
Story: 3:00
Closing Comments: 13:34
Links: The Khyber Pass
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
Music: Afghan Rubâb by Humayun Sakhi
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast
Coming Home - TAC-9
Returning from travel, be it a long or short trip can be difficult and at times ostracizing. In this travel podcast we answer an email about coming home after traveling and how to limit the problems and keep our integrity intact after life changing or sculpting experiences. To be transparent this email answer was recorded a while ago and I thought I lost it but found it on an external drive. So you will hear a difference in sound quality.
Intro: :47
Email: 2:10
Closing: 8:31
Music: Dave Brubeck - Take Five
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast
Intentions - Special Edition of TAC-8
In this short travel podcast I share my intentions of having a podcast about the philosophical aspect of travel. This episode was inspired by a number of emails that were asking why I was doing the podcast and what is so important to have a philosophical approach to travel.
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Travel and Relationships - TAC - 7
What happens when you want to travel and your partner doesn’t? What do you do to address this issue? You love them but you crave to travel. Do you just walk away and say goodbye to them? In this travel podcast we will have a chat about this very topic. For full transparency I recorded the email and answer before I did the introduction. I actually though I lost this file and found it hidden on an external hard drive. If you plan on any kind of travel be it domestic travel or international travel this podcast will give you tangible skills to avoid a relationship failure due to traveling.
Intro: 2:03
Email: 3:37
Answer: 4:19
Closing Comments: 10:19
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Dave Brubeck - Take Five
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Light Is Right
In this travel podcast we learn how important it is to travel light and keep our travel items down to the essentials. Together we cross a country border at night without proper paperwork, meet fleeing refugees. We encounter armed thugs and all the while trying to not implode from the stress and thankful that we remember that light is right.
Intro: 1:29
The Youtube Saga: 2:00
Travel Style: 2:23
The Story: 4:19
Closing Comments: 19:37
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Ashes To Ashes, Hans Zimmer
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Spiritual Travel is it a good idea? - TAC-6
Should you take a Spiritual Travel vacation, yoga retreat, or something similar? In this travel podcast we get an update on whats going on with The Travelers Art Youtube channel. We read an email about someone that wants to take a spiritual travel vacation to heal from a bad relationship. Its good question and it deserves a well thought out and considered answer. We will learn about Spiritual Bypass what Retreat means and learn about a common problem in spiritual travel which is spiritual materialism.
Intro: 1:17
Email: 4:24
Spiritual Bypass: 6:08
Retreat: 7:32
Spiritual Materialism: 10:49
Can You Do A Spiritual Trip: 12:52
Closing Comments: 14:39
Links: Spiritual Bypass - Spiritual Materialsim - JP Sears
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

The Power Of Simple Pleasures
In this travel podcast we take a journey to the mountains of El Salvador where in the company of farmers we enjoy the power of simple pleasures, the art of paying attention, the power of the subtle but significant, and why the magic in the world is right before your eyes, you just have to look up.
Intro: 2:41
The Story: 5:04
Dinner 13:13
Missed Moments: 14:08
Closing Comments: 15:38
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Bamboléo, Gipsy Kings
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Carpe Diem - Special Edition of TAC-5
In this short yet vital podcast we reflect on loss, values, and life. I encourage everyone to take a moment to listen to this travel podcast and reflect on what it means to them.
Intro: 1:08
The Story: 1:36
It’s Never To Soon: 4:24
The Question: 7:06
Closing Comments: 7:39
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Bitter Sweet Symphony, The Verve
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

New Normal, What does that mean? TAC 4
In this Travelers Art Coffee we the share some important news for The Travelers Art Podcast that I think will please everyone. Everyone is talking about the New Normal. In this podcast well look into what Normal means and the power of the New Normal when we travel.
News: :36 Seconds
Normal & New Normal: 1:22
Closing Comments: 11:44
WordBook - Apple
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Assume it’s the last trip you’ll ever take “Continued”
Episode 3, part two. We continue to explore the idea of "Assume it’s the last trip you’ll ever take". In part one we took a trip to South East Asia and missed out on an amazing adventure that ended up haunting us decades later. This episode finds us correcting our mistake from the past travel experience and getting a once in a life time experience while stuck in Bali Indonesia during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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Music: Dont Change by INXS
By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Your First Trip and Bucket Lists-TAC 3
In this TAC we get our first voice memo, have a deep chat about coffee, answer an email about going on the first trip and a short rant on bucket lists. All of this an more in this travel podcast.
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Music: Dave Brubeck - Take Five
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast

Assume it’s the last trip you’ll ever take
Part one of a two part episode. In this travel podcast we take a trip to a distant far off land, befriend a painter, run across a cobra, have milk tea and discover a key lesson about travel and making choices.
Sharing is Caring: Please share this podcast with your friends & fellow travelers.
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By: Don Mirra
Where to Listen: Podplay - Spotify - Amazon - Google Podcast